【学术讲座】钱湖学术讲座:Unraveling Multihoming Sellers’ Coping Strategies to Platform Information Quality Control



题目:Unraveling Multihoming Sellers’ Coping Strategies to Platform Information Quality Control

主讲人:刘和福 教授


刘和福,中国科学技术大学管理学院教授、博导。研究领域包括供应链管理、IT价值创造、数字化商业模式、全渠道管理等。主持国家自然科学青年、面上和优秀青年基金,及科技部重大专项课题等多个项目。研究成果在Journal of Operations ManagementJOOM)、MIS QuarterlyMISQ)、Production and Operations ManagementPOM)等国际主流学术期刊发表,并获教育部自然科学奖一等奖(排名第四)、爱思唯尔(Elsevier)榜单的中国高被引学者(管理科学与工程领域)、JOM2021年度大使荣誉奖等。现任SSCI期刊Information Technology and PeopleITP)、Industrial Management & Data SystemsIMDS)、Electronic Commerce Research and ApplicationsECRA)副编辑(Associate Editor)。


To mitigate sellers’ misinformation on e-marketplace platforms, platform owners impose information quality control to ensure authenticity of information presented to consumers. Although information quality control is conducive to bolstering the credibility of information on platforms, it may encourage sellers to pursue multihoming strategy on other platforms, thereby undermining the attractiveness of the platform implementing information quality control (“focal platform” thereafter). Building on coping theory, this study aims to investigate how sellers cope with information quality control imposed by platforms by observing their information withholding and multihoming strategy. The moderating influence of multihoming experience is further considered in this research. To validate our hypotheses, we collected data from two dominant e-marketplace platforms in China. Based on quasi-experimental design, this we employed propensity score matching and difference-in-difference methods to ****yze our data. We discovered that platform information quality control culminates in sellers’ information withholding and multihoming strategy. Additionally, we revealed that sellers tend to react differently to the platform information quality control depending on their multihoming experiences. Findings from this research can be harnessed by platform owners to refine their control policy in the multihoming context.


发布人: 发布时间:2024-04-09  浏览次数:75